Ranthari Hotel and Spa Ukulhas Maldives

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Dolphin Safari

In the oceanic playground of the Maldives, an enchanting spectacle awaits as dolphins roam freely, making it one of the top 5 best dolphin watching spots in the world. These graceful creatures grace the seas almost year-round, with the best sightings occurring during morning hours from 9 to 10:30 am and afternoon hours from 3 to 5:30 pm. When planning your safari, keep these timings in mind.

Join us on a dolphin safari where the adventure unfolds. After a delicious breakfast, our boat sets sail, and you'll be brought back in time for lunch. If you prefer an afternoon dolphin safari, please reach out to our reception. And here's a useful tip: don't hold back on applause as dolphins love the attention and may even dazzle you with their playful stunts. It's in their nature to be the center of attention!


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